The taxis here don't have meters and everything is discussed before hand. It's only a ten minute drive from where we are and Mono said he could do a return trip for 450 pesos. This is a man who drives for a living and takes people to the same places all the time. Whenever we ask him about a price he has to think about it first. He must have sliding prices for each customer that varies depending on some unknown factors.
The Guira Oga refuge centre houses numerous birds, such as toucans and birds of prey, that have been raised as pets and no longer wanted. Some have never learnt how to fly and can't be released into the wild. There are desert turtles that live longer than their owners expected and some pumas that had bred with a domestic cat. Some animals have been injured on nearby roads and others have come from zoos for various reasons.
They had a crocodile and one day a second crocodile was in the enclosure. No one knows how it got there. The crocodile fence was just over a metre high.
Indiana did a fantastic job acting as a translator for her grandparents while the guide explained the story of all the animals.
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